These two are my best friend!!!
Both Black Gadget are “Not-That-Cheap” essentials that are bought using my own efforts!
Yes… I know my trusty old friend IPod touch 30 Gb is rather old but it has spent enough time with me to be declared Best friend.
I remembered I bought it way back ago for a good $400++ when it’s not like worthless ha but am still proud of it! Below it sits My Toshiba M300!
I bought this with my scholarship and and am dead proud of it cause my Mum didn’t have to fork even a cent for it. Am glad that I am able to pay for myself
such higher pricing stuff as it will be quite a bomb to my Mum. Thank God for the blessings that God provided me!!! Through this time God never fail to provide,
Things that are essential for me. THANK YOU GOD!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Good Friend
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Gosh!!! Am Excited for my church project “My Hope Singapore”…. For a simple reason am one of the organizers ha-ha
School life has been routine though project and tests coming soon ha hope I will study hard for it!!!!
Hmmm lately am pretty easily angered gosh…This is bad ha and I find myself in a constant financial constraint I hate this!!!!
I don’t like to be worrying about such stuff, hope that things will be better in the near future.
Most importantly I want to go overseas for a retreat or whatever… I want travel!!! Very Badly!!! I really enjoy travelling.
I want to go to countries like Russia, Finland, Austria and just be immersed in a foreign culture. I do not enjoy the way things are in my life.
I just want a little time to walk around not worrying about any of my providence I know that’s impossible and I want to quickly go poly!!!!
Hmmm so much things in life guess am really down and out. I really need time!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Nothing But God
Hey guys I have attended Nick Vujicic service twice. I realized that he came this time round he said the same thing yet it dawned on me in a very different light.
Guys look at him in the picture… Hands and legs none of those he have, yet he has such confidence. So where does his confidence comes from???
His confidence is not from his extraordinary background being able to grow up with his physical conditions and even graduating with double major in Accounting and Financial Planning!!!
Neither was his confidence comes from him being a wonderful motivational speaker touching millions of hearts, not even being invited to attend the Oprah Winfrey show!!!!
Was it because of the ten and thousands of people he led to Christ???? NO!
Looking at him I see that he had nothing yes!!!! Nothing!!! He had no Hands or Legs and that actually means he has nothing. He needs assistance for all stuff meaning if no one helps him he has nothing. Yet through his deficit he displayed the only thing he has in life! That is GOD! He has only God, a God that is so big that it makes his disability seems non-existent. Through him I understand the true spirit of John 3:30 “He Must become greater; I Must become less” He has lessen himself so much so that God has used his disability to even reached out to the multitudes. He exudes such confidence From the Lord that when he speaks, we do not regard his disability and are even in awe of him as he has displayed the fact that without god his truly nothing!!!!!
In our lives when we fail our exams, lost the relationship, had things go against us and we feel like the world has taken a tumble so bad.
I would like to share this illustration i read from Max Lucado book :Travelling Light
A man once went to a minister for counseling. He was in the midst of a financial collapse.
“I’ve lost everything,” he bemoaned.
”Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve lost your faith.”
”No,” the man corrected him, “I Haven’t lost my faith.”
”Well than I’m sad to hear that you’ve lost your character.”
”I didn’t say that,” he corrected. “ I still have my character.”
”I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve lost your salvation.”
”That’s not what I said,” the man objected.
”I haven’t lost my salvation.”
”You have your faith, your character, your salvation. Seems to me,” the minister observed,”that you’ve lost none of the things that really matter”.
Guys! In what’s most important is our Faith, Character and our salvation. Whatever things that are lost, broken are nothing that really matters!!! So guys let us be less so that the Lord our God can truly reign over us and be great!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Money Money Money!
Gosh Money money money ha it’s so elusive ha
Craps am dead broke ha I have been really broke for like one year!!! Ask me when is the last time I bought something for myself!!!
It will be like at least Half a year.
I got no time to work sad case i have been super frugal I only take allowance when I find my wallet as empty as a abandoned shipwreck…
It’s depressing just making ends meet yet i can’t tell my parents cause i don’t want them to like worry about i have enough to spend.
At times when my parents ask me whether if i have enough to spend i would say yes when all left in my wallet is like what the pictures shows COINS!!!
Worse of all things are all dying on me my earphones just died on me, I am using a borrowed hand phone .
Gosh, how I wish i need not worry about this Argh Depressed Penniless situation which i can do noting about
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Or Sad
I choose to be happy when am Sad, for God Knows;
I will be vindicated for sure, for God Cares;
I may be hurt, but not forsaken, for I Desire God;
Though even the closest hurts, am not overwhelmed, for God is my shield;
Life might make a turn so bad. but am unaffected, For God will is to prosper but not harm me;
Blood-tied relationship may fail, but I choose to stay faithful. for God gave me a spiritual family;
People may change; but Never do God;
God will put us to the test, but will never let use bear temptations beyond what we can bear;
For God so love me, he gave me his son as a companion.
Jesus loves me so he speaks to me when, no one does;
Even when am down and out; friends forsake and family hurts; Thy staff and rod I will be comforted.
I shall not be in want for, God knows my heart desires
Thank you my heavenly Father, who disciplines but not in anger but in love;
Provides a safe harbor when am beaten by the storm.
Psalm 121
A song of ascents.
I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Am not exactly happy :(
Gosh am no exactly in the best of moods today!!!!
But don’t wish to say it out ask me on msn if you wish to know
I can only say I feeling like vintage cassette tapes soaked in water .
Nothing to say and can’t say anything
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Today am feeling on fire hmmm what kind of fire??? Anger? Frustration????
NO!!!! Am feeling the fire of passion so let's talk about LOVE!!!
But before that let's look at some cute pics of love:
HAHA! Those pics are darn cute right!!! Just like me!!!(Chuckles)
Alright! Before you guys go running for bags to puke let me finish my story ha ha
Hmm this post is actually dedicated to a good friend of mine cause it was this friend which inspired me to this post. so "Good Friend this post is some what for you! So read well!!!"
Many at times people ask me "Bob, why are you still single?" Than in my mind it will be :"Oh Crap! I know i not good looking, not the smartest and definitely not the kind of guy girls see as their Prince Charming, but hey ha i got tons of good point!"
It's pretty common or should i say it's strange for people like us young people to remain single cause it's like all our friends are in a relationship. But look around there are people who are deeply devoted into their relationship but only to end up in a sorry state, BREAKS UPS! I do onot deny that there are beautiful relationships around but having seen my friend so broken over a a ridiculous break up, i felt happy to be single!!!
It's not that am going to be single forever, i still want my wife, kids and happy family but i don't want to take the risk of being broken in a premature relationship which will affect the way i handle relationship in the future! Yet it does not mean am not loved!!!! God was always there for me!!! He loved me so much that he sent his only son to die for me so that i could appreciate love!
John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life
See for yourself God promised eternity can your Boyfriend or Girlfriend promise you that????
I choose to remain single because of a simple reason I DON"T KNOW HOW TO LOVE!!! Love is a profound word it's not something you get out of the dictionary, knowing the literal definition does not mean you know what's love.
1 Corinthians 13:4
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."
In the above verse it says that love is kind, does not envy, does not boast and is not proud! Loving isn't easy it requires one to clearly understand how to love yourself before you love others! I do not want to commit in a relationship where i am not able to wholeheartedly love someone and to only result in a gloomy, unhappy relationship! just like this pic, dark and gloomy looming on sadness :
So now am letting God teach me his way of love before i can really love my future Girlfriend! For i want the relationship i commit into, to be one of beautiful marital bliss!!!
(p/s: Friend take heart!!! The best has yet to come! Cheer up!)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Warranty Of Life!!!
I have this funny thought today haha....
Look at the picture above it states "Warranty void if broken" We always find such labels on all kinds of electronic products and many of times it will also be a attached condition that says "If found tampered with or incomplete seal of warranty , product will not be elgible for any warranty either repair or replacement"
Than i realise ha isn't we Man also created like many other electronics we have around in our household? We are created by God personally with his seal on warranty on us .
Genesis 2:26-27
26Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
27So God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
God created us in the very likeness of him and in his very own image. All the goodness of God has been packaged nicely inside us and even sealed with his Warranty Of Life!!! But despite of that we man decided to tamper with the seal that God has upon us and thus we lose the gurantee of rejoining God back in heaven as the sealed is stained, soiled by man's sin and thus losing the authorisation of the validity of the Seal!
Romans 6:23
23For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
See in Romans 6:23 it clearly say the wages of sin is death. It's not the physical death but a DEATH IN THE SPIRITUAL BODY and death in the spiritual body results us being seperated from the union of our heavenly Father!
No worrries here is the good news God has sent his son Jesus to atone for our sins thus meaning God is renewing the tampered Seal with a new one! Meaning we have a second chance!!! How can i prove??? Look at Romans 3:25-26
God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demostrate his justice, because in his forberance he had left the sins commited beforehand unpunished - he did it to demostrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus
See for yourself God has replace us with a new lifetime warranty!!! The sins we committed in the past has been atone through Chris Jesus! So let's make good of it this time and not tamper with the renewed seal this time! Let's remain in the goodness which God has made us to be !!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Rainy Day!!!
It rained today!!!!! Wa ha ha hmmm i went for an evening run today and yet it RAINED!!!! What a bummer... Ha yet i continued to run in the rain ha ha. Maybe everyone should try running in the rain i feels super Duper Good P/S: If you are sick it's none of me business!!!!!!
I know total jerk but hey i had realise some very important life lessons frim the run in the rain ...
so you you all want to know more about it click here
Today's post a bit short cause am LAZY!!!! Ha Will update more...
Saturday, September 27, 2008
What A Day!
Today attended SOL lessons It was on : COURTSHIP!!!
It was great made me realise that hmmm finding a right one one is so important!!! I do not deny there are people who are happily in love and their relationships do work out but take a look on the contrary ha look at the failed relationships or insecure relationships..... Ha i am not stereotyping at the young people this days but since most of such occurs to the youth age groups.
Going into relationship isn't only about two person of the opposite gender being fond of each other and thus get together being steady . So ONLY GO INTO COURTSHIP IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO LOOK FOR A LIFE PARTNER!!!
Today's culture many people are going 'steady' or 'stead' but they are never going into relationship on a basis where they are looking at marriage. Many are just going into relationship for many reasons . Which you can refer to Wayne's previous post for deeper insights.
Guys think why are the church so strict and even our leaders being so persistent in the area of lust, relationship???? It is not an easy task for our leaders to be keeping tabs on our BGR relational affairs .
- It takes up their time
- It worries them
- It's huge dissapointment to them
Our leaders are doing this out of their own obligations. We have to understand that it is God will for us to find our designated one that God has for us.
Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, for she was taken out of man." For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.(Genesis 2:22-25)
The leaders are doing this too as they understand the grave circumstances of going into relationship which is not of Godly appointment. Other than that, when we go into an relationship without the blessings & spiritual covering of our spiritual leaders, the realtionship will not develop into a healthy one, many risks are adherent from it e.g adverse effect on personal spiritual walk , risk of uncontrolled intimacy (pre-marital sex) , failed relation which might lead to strongholds within self
So we have, to be patient and wait for the correct appoited spouse that God has designated for us. God has planned the best one for us so let's not compromise God's standards and even deprive ourselves of the best that God has for us .
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord (Proverbs 18:22)
B.A.M(Bobby Ang Ming)
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wa ha ha i haven't been posting for donkey years ha hmm cause of LAZINESS ....
Now having holidays ! So what am i doing????
Good Question! ha i have ben doing nothing much ha resting at home most of the time... Hmmm but i did made my time useful trying to get to catch up with me Secondary mates ha . Sadly saying only met up with Edmund.
I hate to say this but i am feeling whiny ha... Let's see what should i whine about today????
Ha i hate this feeling when am having holidays i get so dead bored that i rather am in school, and when am in school lols i want holidays... Guess this is what i realise When we are in it we dread it and when we are out of it we want it! (Ha it's ok if you don't understand0.o)
Anyway i want to advertise Sunset Way ha it's a hidden Holland V in the middle of Clementi nowhere ha...
This is the place offers:
- Great Nice Alfresco Bar Alfresco means outdoor*Smug*
- Great Pizza Outlet I don't recommend the pastas though Link:PIZZA!
- A Japanese Steamboat Buffet Outlet
- Many Other Western Bistros
- One Thai Cuisine Place
So if any of you guys are interested you can reach there via 184 from Clementi Mrt :)
Lastly of all i want to say Crap my *BPU is gone!!! So now i go to Church alone.... Ha but not that bad i can do a bit of quiet time on the way since the Journey is like 1h30mins-1h45mins long.
*BPU = Bukit Panjang United which consists if Benkuza and those who stay around Bukit Panjang
I will blog regularly now suddenly find blogging fun :) Cheers!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Stand Still
Thoughts stream in and out of my head yet of none i give real thoughts to sadded ha feel a bit like a frankenstein now walking around with two hideous bolts ha hmm God Open the eyes of my heart!!!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
( on your speaker ;D )

this is a little surprise for you :D
i hope it brings a smile to your face.
may all your wishes come true.
& may your special day be blessed with many people love.
please include mine as well ;D
so thankful to have met you.
although you are such a not shy creature.
i suppose you know who me is alr?
now that you are alr 18.
no more emo-ness alrights?
you have my earrrs!
you are not suppose to remove this post.
i am sorry i invaded your privacy.
but i like it!
w love,
__________________ .
to bobby's blog fan.
please ask bobby to view his blog on his special day!
thank you!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Long TIME!!
the only person reading this.... Sad.... Ha guess i shall update nore often....
Going four months into school... NOw vacation is just over bummer. Super boring... Did nothing much consturctive for my vacation. School is just so so still struggling with the thought of not want to go school. But have to go on la ha BRACE ON! But the people are good get to know nice peeps Shermin, Georgiana , Sujia , Aaron , Micheal. Hmmm best people in my class haha.. Though the rest of the class are cool people i am closer to them THANK GOD FOR THEM :)
W/O Agenda
Don't know what to blog about .. Ha life isn't that great Parents divorcing hmm sad fact i had to admit but i guess i can get with the transistion AND THANKS FOR THE SPIRITUAL FAMILY FOR THE SUPPORT Just hoping for a special 18 BIRTHDAY am not looking forward to... :)
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Alright enough of the crapping ... Vola! i am blogging from my work place :) Guys i know you all understand the fact that the current job that i am holding is the CEO of total slackness , my job is basically to slack everyday and feel proud about it Bummer right lol ... Now the sharing begins if everyone were to find a job where the agenda is to slack .... What purpose in life do we have??? We take the routine transport to work everyday , do the routine stuffs at work , clock the 9-5 office hours and go home ..... VERY "INTERESTING" Basically we are just like lifeless forms of humans living life like what a metronome does tick tock tick tock all the way and doing it everyday .....
But thinking about it aren't all the office going people working in the very same manner !!! But people take heart job is only a kind of form but what defines between a 'good' & 'bad' is the heart of why we are commited to our jobs . I am not preaching but just my point of view is being said so that's why it's in red (and why red??? definitely not gay but it's a color that stands out) there are all sorts of jobs around us the service sector , banking & finances, voluntary work and even administration hmmm if we were to ask someone which of all is the most meaningfull job no doubt they will give a politically correct answer saying " of course volunteer work la contribute ti the society without taking anything in return" yeah yeah whatever la lols true but that's that means that all other jobs are inetifying???? NO! let's take service sector maybe a chef . Family reunion nowadays are mostly held in retaurant but if the absence of a committed chef is missing , it will result in bad quality of food which in turn means a bad experience of time of fellowship with the family so in life it's the very minor stuff that makes the most pivotal decision in our daily lives :) So people even if you are working now , studying in any area of your marketplace think what joy does your job brings you and how are you value adding to your society....
The boring longwinded P.I.T.A (Pain in the ass)
Over & Out!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Who may live on your holy hill?
He whose walk is blameless
and who does what is righteous,
who speaks the truth from his heart
and has no slander on his tongue,
who does his neighbour no wrong
and cast no slur on his fellowman,
who despises a vile man
but honors those who fear the Lord,
who keeps his oath
even when it hurts,
who lends his money without ursury
and does not accept a bribe against
the innocent.
He who does those things will never be shaken.
Firstly word , we worship God with our lips but if slander, curses and ungratifying words come out too from the lips who much would that hurt God. It is just like a doctor who heals with his very hands but murder with his hands too, his deeds of good will would be erased by his deed of killings, secondly walk are we able to do every thing stated in pslams 15 confidently ttat we can declare that we are holy ? or even close to what it says if not we are still falling short from our Lord and Saviour lastly work are we conducting ourselves so that we are not taking advantage of other in any ways? Some people may think that they have not done this that took advantage of other s in a direct way but even our most common downloading of songs over the web and even unauthorised removal of data from any media is also an act of exploiting other effort so we shall keep these three steps closely so we may be blameless in everyway so that our intimacy with God will be of righteous path!