Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Long time since i started posting.... Alright today is the day where i am going to FACE it anyone of you who managed to come into my blog please take note I am going to ITE yes... it may seem werid but yes it's where am going , i messed up with my academic stuff and i don't wish to elaborate further . Yes... I am sad and dissappointed over it but i decided to move on and not stay stagnant in where i am now . I am deeply remorseful of what i have to to land myself in this mess but everyone i decided to be proud of my decision and move on. In life we each hit rough patch bad grades, breaks up and even rejection but we have to be critical life still goes on..... Even when we think that the world has fallen upon us and we find ourself staring at our future with absolute uncertainty we will doubt ourself and do not dare to take the next step to move on. God is there fos us in all situation did he not put up the gleaming sun without fail everyday for us he did not change , he will never change for he is eternal thus we can cast all our insecurities to him for whatever happen our God is still the Great Big God ... Lastly thank god for my spiritual family this had been a long scary nightmare and thank all of you for being there waking me up whenever i am going to fall back into the sinister slumber ... THANK YOU!!!!!!